One more day……

Posted on Friday, September 26th, 2008

Seriously, it’s 4:00 in the morning again!  I can’t believe the amount of energy I’ve been having recently.  It must be excitement and anticipation because there is no other reason to give myself three hours of sleep each night.  I feel great!!!!  I’m still working hard at designing this blog and website.  And by “working hard”, I mean working hard at learning how to navigate this website that builds a website.  Okay, I think it’s too late for me to be writing anything, but I’ve got too much to talk about.

Tonight my parents had a “going away” dinner for me and Ammie.  They have been so supportive through all of this and I cannot thank them enough for letting me into their home once again to stir up another round of craziness.  It’s funny how I was laying around tonight thinking about how much I enjoy their company and their friendship, though I’ve spent the past two weeks completely absorbed by this upcoming project.  I know that I can never take the time I have with them for granted.  They have been my guidance through so much…..and they surprise me more and more as I get to know them even more (I only wish this picture had come out better)…..

Ma & Pa

Ma & Pa

I was also fortunate enough to be joined by a close friend of the family, Greg, as well as my brothers (Lucas & Nathan) and our lovely ladies.  Greg asked my brothers and I to play the song Super Fiction Power which I specifically wrote for my brothers with the intentions of having an excuse to finally get the three of us playing guitars together.  They play and create such beautiful music and it will forever be an honor to share notes with those two.  All I can say is that plans are in the works for the a new group called Tres Hermanos Tocan Las Guitarras!  I thought my love for these folks grounded in such a strong foundation, but as I’m packing up I am realizing even more how much my family, friends and girl really mean to me.  We’ll only be gone for five months, but this is the longest that I have been away from them.  And I’ve had Lucas by my side on stage 95% of the time for the past 8 years with Out of Place.  His beats have so often been the driving force of my songs and it is a completely new experience for me to play alone.  So, you can imagine how stoked I am that he’ll be joining us on the east coast for two weeks in November.  And, I’m keeping fingers crossed the Nathan and Steve (OOP bassist) will join us as well.

Tres Hermanos Tocan Las Guitarras

Tres Hermanos Tocan Las Guitarras

Anyway, the point of this blog was to say that I’m up so late trying to make sure the site is working before my radio interview/performance tomorrow afternoon on CPR’s Insight.  Seriously, I feel so blessed to have the opportunities life has allotted me.  The support and excitement has been overwhelming and I can’t wait to share that and my music with the listeners of this show!  So if you’re in the Sacramento area today, Friday September 26th, please tune into 90.9 FM from 2-3pm or visit Capitol Public Radio’s Insight to hear more about this trip.  I can’t believe we’re leaving on Saturday.  It seems like just yesterday I was in my structured stable life with my anxious wandering feet…….and now they finally get to set off and try to leave footprints along the way.

We’ve really done so much considering it’s only been six weeks since the thought of trip lured us into making this happen.  My new EP A Billion Miles to Knowhere came in yesterday and looks awesome if I do say so!  You can pick up a copy at one of the many upcoming shows, or you can order them from Itunes and online within a couple of days.  I played Luna’s cafe last night for Frances Kayla’s birthday and was bummed out that I missed Liz Ryder’s opening set.  Both of these women are incredible musicians and songwriters and I would highly encourage you to take a long minute to check them out!  After my short set, Dennis Scott did a quick photo shoot and I’m sure the pictures will be perfect.  Dennis has captured over 40,000 pictures of local Sacramento bands and is one of the kindest and hardest working photographers I know.  I only hope one of the many bands he has photographed will become extremely famous so that he can receive his due recognition for all of the passion, time and dedication he’s put into his work.

And it was because of the shoot that we got to meet The Legend!!!  We were finishing up when a elderly gentleman walked up and asked if I wanted to wear his blue cowboy hat for some of the pictures.  Of course I did…..who could turn that down?  He even joined me for a few pictures and shared a bit of his life with us…..

He was born in California, but as a young man he attended a prep school in Tennessee.  He would take off from campus for the weekends and was walking by a farmer who growing corn.  “How much are you selling a bushel of corn for?”, he asked.  The farmer replied, “Bushel?  I don’t sell my corn by the bushel, I sell them by the mason jar!”  So he spent a lot of time with the farmer learning how to make stills, eating steak and drinking with Hank Williams while his buddies stayed in school.

For me, meeting “The Legend” really put an official start to this adventure.  I realize that there is something to learn from everyone, no matter where you are.  It doesn’t matter if you travel to another state, all 50 states, Japan or stay right in your home town…..each of us has a story to be told, a tongue to tell it and ears to hear it.   And I am restless for those waiting to be written.

Only one more day before we leave.  We’ve done a lot and there’s a lot to be done.  Until then, I guess it’s time for my morning nap…..cheers!

Categorized as Blog, The TRIP 2008